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The futures trading industry offers a number of unique benefits for active investors. Whether it’s the diverse mix of investment options, such as commodities, equity indexes, currencies and treasury bonds, or the myriad of advantages when compared to other investment options, futures can be a fantastic vehicle to hedge risk and make your dollar work harder.
5 advantages to trading futures:
Quizá usted tenga un buen conocimiento de los mercados. Puede que incluso conozca a sus principales actores, sepa cuándo comprar, cuándo vender y qué acciones tienen un mejor potencial. Pero ¿hasta que punto se conoce usted a sí mismo? Hasta los traders más astutos, motivados y válidos pueden ver entorpecida su actividad por un tipo de pensamiento contraproducente que conduce a tomar malas decisiones y a cometer errores......
You will see it when you believe it.
It is real simple, If you don't work out, you don't get muscle, right?.
There's a daily practice, If you don't do that, if you get up and you just have no discipline whatsoever you get no value of anything.
The power of "Focus" and how you're mind searches for that which you focus on.
All that we are is the results of what we thought.
Change your search, your attention, your focus and you will change your results.
Your problem is your gift. If you want to accomplish your goals you must be sure that everything you do is taking you in that direction and then they develop good habits to get you there.
Poor people think there’s not enough to go around in the world. They come from a fear-based mindset. Their answers are “either/or,” but never “both.” In a poor person’s mindset, they go for security above love, safety before self-expression, and protection over possibility.
Rich people understand that with a little creativity, a willingness to be unconventional and an open mind, they can have both. When you build your life on the “Both!” mentality, you will see opportunities that you were once blind to.
Sinek teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. He has devoted his life to sharing his thinking in order to help other leaders and organizations inspire action. Sinek is known for popularizing the concepts of "the golden circle" and to "Start With Why", described by TED as "a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?"'. He's leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.
People do not buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.
The best ideas are the honest ones. Ones born out of of personal experience. Ones that originated to help a few and ended up helping many.
He visto este video de dos minutos muchas veces y cada que lo veo me hace mucho pensar de donde estoy hoy y donde estaba hace 20 años. Ten mucho cuidado cuando lo veas por que te puede llevar a un viaje muy profundo del cual trataras de revivir.... Espero te impacte tanto como me impacto a mi.
Tony Robbins nos enseña en este video la importancia de tener un COACH (Entrenador personal) por que siempre necesitas a alguien que te de una guía y te ayude a mejorar. Tony dice que tu nunca serias tu propio cirujano.
La mente es como un imán. Los pensamientos positivos atraen cosas positivas.
El deseo vence lo imposible
Creer en ti es la herramienta mas poderosa que puedes tener.
Terminas creyendo aquello que repites muchas veces.
Si buscan podrán encontrar ideas para mejorar sus salud, si buscan podrán encontrar técnicas para mejorar sus habilidades. Si buscan podrán encontrar algunas formas de mejorar sus ingresos. Si buscan podrás encontrar la forma de tener mas propiedades.
"Es mi vida, es mi futuro. Es absurdo pretender que las circunstancias mejoren si no somos capaces de mejorarnos a nosotros mismos. Nosotros podemos crear nuestro futuro, pero tenemos que saber cómo."
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